Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Macaroon Crusted Tilapia

We have been trying to eat more fish...when it's on sale. We have never had Tilapia before so I picked some up one night. Then I came across this recipe and seen as I have a love for coconut I couldn't wait to try it!

Macaroon Crusted Tilapia-shared from How Sweet It Is
1 lb tilapia filets, thawed and dried throughly
3/4 cup almonds, crushed by blender(should yield 1/2 cup)
1/2 cup shredded, unsweetened coconut
salt and pepper
1 egg, beaten +2 tbsp water

Preheat to 425. Grease baking sheet with cooking spray.

Place egg and water into shallow plate and mix together. Add coconut and almonds together and mix throughly. Season fish with salt and pepper. Dip fish into egg mixture and then into almond/coconut. Press gently to get coating to stick. Place on baking sheet.  Bake for 20-25 mins until fish is cooked through(it should be white and flaky). *My fish was really thin filets so they only cooked for about 15 mins.

**I forgot to season the fish and did it afterwards. The salt I found to be KEY in this recipe. We both really enjoyed it...although my husband claims it's still not as good as the one I made with a bag of potato chips and a stick of butter!

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