Sunday, November 6, 2011

Menu Plan Monday

I've been struggling big time with my weight...I've met with a nutritionist and have eaten what she told me to eat and yet I've still managed to GAIN weight...instead of loose it.

So starting tomorrow I'm trying something new...last week was a bit of a bust with our entire area loosing power from a big Halloween Nor'easter. Plus trick or treating got cancelled so I ended up with 400+pieces of candy, don't worry I didn't eat ALL of them! Starting afresh tomorrow...with cutting out processed/added sugars and cutting back on carbs(which I've already been doing) I'll give it two weeks and see how it goes, if it goes well, Christmas baking season might be interesting but something needs to be done!

I will gladly take any and all low carb recipes or ideas and no sugar ideas. Fruit WILL stay...and I have stevia to use to combat my sweet tooth. By the way, I discovered this delicious tea the other day, it's called Candy Cane Lane Green Tea by Celestrial Seasonings, even my husband liked it and said he'd drink it over coffee...he's nuts I say, it's good, but I also love my coffee. For now my coffee with stay, but I did find some homemade coffee creamer recipes that I want to try so I can stop drinking the store's not that healthy for you anyway!

So here's the menu:
No baking..unless we get bored and the boys ask but I'll have to unload the treats to someone!
I do actually have to make some smore bars for the spaghetti dinner fund raiser we are going to on saturday!

-Lime Chicken Tacos
-Garlic Chicken Tacos, Steamed Summer and Zuchini Squash, French Fries for the boys
-Mongolian Beef, Steamed Broccoli

I have lots of veggies, hummus, and beans also to play around with different meal ideas as well!


  1. hope you find something that works for you

  2. Ahhh, I so feel you my friend. I was doing SO good until summer hit, then all the weight I worked so hard to lose came back. I am getting ready to start the Belly Fat is a low sugar/carb system. I have been boosting up my blog lists with some like-minded eaters. Big trend I am noticing in that arena is baking with cocomut flour. I can shoot you over a blog list if you would like :) Just email me of FB me and I will get some over to you. OHHH! I almost should totally try Celestial Seasonings Madagascar Vanilla Tea...O-M-YUM! Such a wonderful evening treat....some Stevia and a splash of cream really hits the spot :)
